
Thursday, March 2, 2017

New Month -- New Color

Thanks to a random drawing from my crayon box, the new color for March will be RED.  So sorry that I didn't post it yesterday.  Anna took a stick to the head at a lacrosse game on Tuesday night and so we spent the day yesterday with doctors.

A CAT scan takes only two minutes, but the doctors visits added up to 7 hours, mostly of sitting in various examination and waiting rooms.  All is well though, no brain bleeds at all, no skull fractures, and her symptoms are slowly improving with complete "brain rest".  Apparently resting ones brain is incredibly boring though and grumpiness has set in.  It will be a while before she is back into lacrosse, the concussion recovery protocol doesn't even start until the doctor clears her, hopefully next Wednesday.  Until then, lots of naps in dark rooms and trying not to do anything mentally stimulating.
Has anyone managed to finish any quilts in February?  I can do a special month-end round-up post if there are finished quilts to share.  Let me know!


  1. Yikes! I'm so glad she's going to be okay, but what a miserable day for all of you.

  2. Poor Anna. I hope she will be healed up soon.

  3. Family is always first and a head injury to a youth is very important to look after. Thank you for what you share with us, but we can always wait.

  4. Glad Anna is going well. A blow to the head is nothing to brush off. Children and grandchildren always come first!

  5. Oh! My! Poor Anna. Happy to hear all is well and boredom has set in. It means that the end is near. ;^)

  6. Oh dear, that sounds so painful. I hope she continues to recover well.

    I am enjoying this challenge so much and thank you for taking the time to give us this fun time.

  7. I was worried something had happened! I am glad to hear that Anna is okay, doing better, grumpy. (Grumpy is actually a good sign!)

  8. I have about ten pounds of red scraps!!! Yeee! this is going to be a good month!

  9. Wishing Anna a good recovery. It's hard for active kids to take it easy.

  10. Glad to hear she is going to be okay and hopefully she has a quick recovery!

  11. I just joined in at the end of February so I have some catching up to do but I'm excited to find a home for some of these piles of scraps taking up huge amounts of space in my sewing room! What a worry for you and your family, I do hope Anna heals thoroughly. I'm sure she's not usually a "grump" ;). Thanks for everything you're doing.

  12. So sorry to hear about Anna's accident, but relieved to know she will be good as new soon. Spending time in doctors offices and having tests done is no fun at all. Better to sit home quietly and be bored, hehe. I almost have a rainbow finish, and it will be perfect for March month-end, so don't worry. I

  13. Are you able to stay near her while she's in seclusion? My son liked knowing I was nearby, even though he couldn't bear to chat. They do get better. Praying for Anna's recovery and your good humor! A78mandel at yahoo dot com

  14. I imagined that something was up when you didn't post the new Color of the Month. Never guessed it was something health-related with one of the kids!! Hope she's feeling better soon.

  15. So sorry to hear about the concussion. We went through that recently with a niece who fell ice skating. Yes, boring and grumpy sounds about right for the recovery plan. Although I'm not sure I wouldn't feel that way too if too many of my favorite activities were out of bounds. Hope the recovery is quick.

  16. I have 3 finishes: baby quilts. I also competed one flimsy still to be quilted.

  17. Oh man - I hope she is alright and heals fast!

  18. I assumed it was the flu when you didn't post! Sorry for the concussion; here's to a patient patient!

  19. I was worried that something had happened - so glad that things appear to be more about grumpy (which can be managed). Take care and rest yourself, too!

  20. i was getting worried, too, when you didn't post the new color. glad to hear that all is well, and on the mend. yes, I have a rainbow finish. I didn't manage it for the January linky, but worked hard to get it done. if you don't get a linky up, no worries... it will wait!

  21. Wishing Anna a speedy recovery.

  22. So sorry to hear this happened, Angela! Painful (and now boring!) for Anna, but such a worry and stressful for her parents. Glad she is doing well now!

  23. So worrisome but good news. Waiting for results and the start of recovery therapy is so hard. Wishing Anna a speedy recovery.

    Red sounds like a perfect colour for March. It came roaring in with rain and wild winds up my way - an angry weather day.

  24. I am a new convert to the RSC so have been through my red scraps... and committed to my new project. Can't wait to see how it all turns out!

  25. sounds nasty a lacrosse stick can do a lot of damage good to know all is well and rest will soon have her back to full health, wonder if she will still want to play after this knock.

    Red sounds good will make my crazy red block today or over the weekend.
    I finished 4 quilts in february, now got the courage to do the quilting!

  26. Family first, dear. I'm sorry she had a concussion.
    I have finished two RSC quilts this month and plan to post pictures of them Saturday.
    Bragging moment here.... Remember when we made about a hundred 6.5" colorful squares during the RSC year?? Mine won a ribbon in the local quilt show last September and the library asked to display it during the month of March! I've been smiling all day.

  27. And here I thought you "forgot" about us :-) So glad to know that family does come first. Hope all is well

  28. Oh no! hope she has a quick recovery. My niece had a snowboarding concussion - it was a long few weeks of recovery of doing absolutely nothing. Wishing you both patience.

  29. Glad she is going to be ok but what an awful day and now no wonder she is grumpy!

  30. How frightening. I would be grumpy, too. Don't dare take away my devices, lol. Hugs. :)

  31. Oh gosh, best wishes for a speedy recovery for Anna! (And for finding ways to cope with the boredom, too!)

  32. I'm so happy she is OK. That is scary to not know and wait for that long. I can't imagine brain rest. I don't think mine rests even when I'm asleep. LOL Good luck with that and the a complete recovery.

  33. Thankfully, they have come a long way in the treatment of concussions. But its probably genetics that you don't have a child that likes to sit in a dark room and stare into space.

  34. Glad she is okay! (I understand that "brain rest" could make her grumpy, but, frankly, if I could get the doctor to prescribe that for me [without the getting hit in the head part], I would welcome it! My brain is tired!)

    Red, here I come. :)

  35. Oh, no! How scary for you! Glad that she will be okay, and I hope your heart rate is back to normal too. Somehow kids never appreciate the "lie in a dark room" and "brain rest" parts. Hope she's back to normal soon!

  36. So glad she's going to be OK! I do have a February finish :) Off to look at red ...

  37. So glad she is going to be OK. Hope you survive the recovery process as well! That would definitely make me grumpy!

  38. Glad to hear all will be well. I send you hugs to survive your daughter's brain rest grumpiness! I can imagine it would be excruciatingly boring for her, and not much better for mom!

  39. I pray that Anna's recovery will be complete, even if grumpy. I'm about to do the binding on my Farm Boy quilt. Red is going to be something for the vets from my stash.

  40. So sorry to hear about Anna's trauma. Glad to hear she is ok. I have never heard of trying not to stimulate the brain. Makes sense though.

    Red should be a good color for me too. I hope to get a lot done with red. I think you should use that box of colors every year!

  41. So glad they take head injuries seriously. Recovery is longer than most of us think. Hope Anna does well in the recovery process....and the rest of the family can be supportive.

    Red....always a favorite.

  42. Glad Anna is okay. Wishing her a speedy recovery. She'll be back at it in no time.

  43. I do hope Anna makes a full recovery... it's always worrying... thanks for the colour - now to hunt down Red scraps...

  44. I'm praying for a quick recovery! Poor baby! Loved your "cat scan" picture! My husband was also in ER for kidney stones and had a Cat Scan as well. Somehow, today, as he recovers, he didn't find it as humorous as I did! ;p Thank you for posting today! Blessings to you all!

  45. Poor Anna, any sports injury is nasty, but concussions are the worst. Hope she is recovering well. I don't blame her for being grumpy, resting one's brain can be pretty boring.

  46. Take care of that girl! I was trying to find out what was what we did for the end of the month and a finished quilt? I hope to show some off this year.

  47. I'm going to try really hard to get some red scraps out today and get more string blocks made before this month is over!!


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