
Sunday, January 13, 2008


These are two options for sashing the Elm Creek Quilt. The strips are two inches, the purple is a plain sashing square, while the pink uses corner triangles to turn the sashing square into a flying geese star. I like the star effect, but it might be adding too much business to an already complicated quilt?
I am almost done with my next step for the Carolina Crossroads mystery. I planned to get it all finished this weekend. Then my daughter came home from school telling me that one of the girls in her class got checked out early for leader daughter camping. I said, "That's silly, the leader daughter camping trip isn't until next weekend!" Well, I guess I was off by a weekend. We managed to be packed and out the door in 23 minutes flat! We made it halfway across the state and hardly missed a thing. So my sewing plans got a little waylaid along the way. I didn't even have a chance to grab handwork on the way out the door :(
The kids are all off school tomorrow, so Dad is going to stay home with them in the morning. One of the advantages to being a teacher is supposed to be that I have the same days off as my kids, but sometimes our schedules just don't sink up. At least next Monday is a "holiday for all" And thanks to my poor scheduling capabilities, I'll have an unplanned three day weekend at home.


  1. I found your blog while commenting on Joannes. I love your name and ur blog name. My blog is scrappynhappy in ohio and my username is scrappynhappy...see how great minds think alike?

    It would be great if you joined the Carolina Crossroads mystery web ring. I read that you are new to blogging, so if I can help, email me>

    Your CC blocks are looking great!



  2. Your Carolina Crossroads Mystery blocks are so pretty! I wish that I had more time and motivation to play along with that one!
    I prefer the plain purple squares in the sashing of your sampler.


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