
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Step 5 half done

I was surprised to see step 5 posted already, but I was home today on winter break with the kids and decided to jump in. I cut fabric for 50 squares, but worried that I didn't have much variety in my reds. Most have already been cut and fed into the 1.5 inch strip tub. I was surprised to find so few in my 2 inch tub, and very few in the stash. I like the way to new blocks look, I'll just have to decide whether to use what I have or go get a few more reds. Given that we are supposed to have the coldest night in at least 5 years tonight (it could freeze!) I think I'll make do with what I have.
I seem to have a very small stash compared to most of the bloggers I read, but I'm not as prolific as them either. I try to have a few things on hand to fill in and in planning for future quilts, but never in large quantities unless it's needed for something specific. I haven't really found my "quilting voice" yet, so I'm not sure what I would collect if I were to try. I guess my fear is that I'll get lots of something, say jewel tones or reproductions, and then decide that's not really my style after all. I tend to like scrappier quilts, so having bits of lots of things tends to work for me.

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