
Thursday, July 3, 2008

Kit Movie

A group of just us girls went to see the new Kit Kitridge movie today. Most of our Girl Scout troop is just crazy about anything having to do with the American Girl Dolls. All the third grade girls who read at least 6 of the books got to go to a special tea at school and even bring their dolls along! Kit is the doll that Anna has, because I thought they looked so much alike. So I gathered together all of the scouts who are in town and we had our girls afternoon out. They brought along their dolls and we all had a grand time. I wish I had thought to bring a camera, because all of the girls bringing their dolls to the concession stand was just way too cute.
They enjoyed the movie, even though it was set in the Great Depression and had some very sad parts. I thought there was plenty of plot and history to keep the grown-ups entertained as well. Just to prove how warped I am though, I kept looking at the depression era fabric and wondering why their weren't more quilts. I'm now inspired to do something with a stack of Aunt Grace repro prints, but I think all I've got is a charm pack stashed somewhere that I tried to do some appliqué with last year.


  1. Hmmm....I can't say that I know this movie.????? I'll have to keep my eyes open for it.

    And regarding how "warped" you are. HA! There have been numerous times when I'd be walking along (shopping, dentist/doc office, anywhere really) and I'll see some person wearing awesome FABRIC---not clothes, no, no. I don't see the clothes---I see the fabric! THAT is when we know we are truly obsessed quilters!!! Woo-hoooooo!


  2. I need to look for this movie.

    I am "warped" too. ~LOL~


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