
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Leaders and Enders and Odds and Ends

We had a nice visit with Mom. She's in Orlando at meetings for the next couple of days and then we'll take Anna over to spend a few days with her. Of course it's hard to accomplish any projects with company in the house. The guest room is my usual sewing place, or the dining room table which I clear off when the house is supposed to be clean. I did get a stack of leaders and enders ironed and put away as well as sorting and laying out a new batch.
After I get a new batch of leaders and enders laid out, I tend to just power through and sew through them all. I'm not always the most patient of people I guess. Mom wanted to watch the season finale of The Bachelorette, so I also got some more cutting done on the Dad's plaids quilts. While I was at it, I cut 12 blocky stars blocks out the same fabric. They both use 2.5 inch strips, so I thought I might as well. I needed to be social and sit with mom, but I haven't been watching the show, so I needed something to occupy my mind. The show was 3 HOURS long, so I had plenty of time to sit and cut.
Last night we celebrated Ryan's birthday. His big day is two months after the girls and I have ours, so we are always a little hung over with birthday party fun by the time his comes around. He chose lasagna for his birthday dinner. Actually he chose leftovers or lunchables first, and I talked him out of it. We've had three birthday parties in the last week, so I'm a little done with cake by now. Ryan chose white Funfetti with white Funfetti frosting. Maybe I'll freeze half for later. With Jamaica coming up in a few weeks I'm trying to avoid too much birthday cake.

1 comment:

  1. *GASP* I heard a rumor that you had a spare ticket flying from Wisconsin to Jamaica!!!! How THOUGHTFUL of you!! :0)

    Okay, okay, I can hope, right??? Oh, how jealous I am!!! You have Jamaica in a few weeks, and I have classes---ICK! Two weeks worth for me! BLeh! But, I'll at least have a break from the girls for those two weeks, so I'll have evening quilting time (because I DO NOT expect any homework :0) )

    Glad you got some quilting done and hopefully didn't feel too "quilty guilty."

    Your kids are simply adorable! All so "pinchy-cheek" cute!


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