
Monday, August 11, 2008


This is that time of year when I look at the list of things that have to be done and wonder if I am going to get to the bottom of the list before the kids show up for the first day of school. I wish I could start early and get it all done ahead of time, but everything is so fluid that it isn't safe to plan ahead. The wording on the syllabus needs to be tweaked from year to year, the links have to be updated. I waited until today to do seating charts, grade book inserts and textbook assignments. I knew as soon as I did it that everything would change. Sure enough, I got back from my Girl Scout meeting tonight, and checked my rosters, those little buggers all moved around again! I'll just wait patiently and see if they move again before I bother to print everything off again. Tomorrow I'll run copies and try to pin down all the final details.
Registration was today, it was good to have students back in the building again. They add so much energy! Of course getting work done gets harder, but that is to be expected I suppose. I'm still trying to figure out what rooms I'm going to be in, so everything else is still hard to plan. As the part time teacher, I end up shuffling from room to room while other people are on planning. I've gotten used to it, so it's not a big deal. I made up a nice little sign to post on my "office" door that tells my students where to find me from period to period. I was in pretty good shape until they added a fourth class, now I'm scrounging around again trying to make everything work out. I'm sure it will all work out in the end. It always does.


  1. Sounds complicated! Our classes have pretty much settled down now. There will be minor changes but for the most part we know what we have. Tomorrow is day 4 for students. Day 7 for us teachers.

  2. Yes, yes, yes Angela! I agree that the excitement of the new school year is a fun, great feeling. I also spent the entire day yesterday in my room pa-diddling around, updating the School's website, meeting with a few other JH staff to plan next Tuesday's 7th grade orientation. AND, at the same time, I feel your pain regarding the whole "roster-change" headaches. Same here! I don't even bother writing a final list until the end of the first week. Although we are also fully computerized, I still like using an official ol' fashion grade book as "back up."'s getting close!

    Hopefully you're also able to have time for quilting. You haven't blogged in a while about the Girl Scout Quilts----are there more in works for completion?


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