
Sunday, August 17, 2008


The kids all decided they wanted to earn some money this morning and asked for some extra chores. So Ryan did some weeding, Anna vacuumed my car and Sydney swept. Does this mean that at some point children actually become useful? Is it possible that eventually they may do more cleaning than messing up? Well, maybe not, but I'll take any help I can get in that department.
I had a 5K yesterday morning, so Kurt took the girls to their first day of ice skating lessons. They were doing beautifully until Sydney took a head dive at the end of the lesson and almost lost a front tooth. Thank goodness they are still baby teeth, because it still looks a little iffy in there. He dragged them to volleyball and then we took turns with the afternoon birthday parties. There were two this weekend, and strangely enough, they were both bowling parties at the same place. One was at 12:30 and one was at 3:00. So that took up most of the afternoon.
I did manage to get the manatee quilt bordered and spray basted, so I'll save that for my next big batch of quilting. I pulled the Dad's Plaids blocks out again, maybe I'll get those put together today. All of our weekend chores have been carried out with the weather channel on in the background. We're still watching Fay, it doesn't look like it's going to be that bad all the way over here on the East Coast. Still, there is the concern that she will, "pull a Charlie" and make a dash across the center of the state in our direction.


  1. don't hold your breath about the kids becoming helpful in the long term with chores, you'll likely pass out... What your experience this weekend is a for-runner of is the "mom I'd like a little more money" -- at least they're willing to work for it...


  2. Good luck on missing Fay. My dsil lives in Naples and I am afraid she may experience some bad weather.

  3. We are in the central Florida area near Orlando, and watching it also. I hope that it stays a weak one. I like your quilt.

  4. I caught up on your blog tonight, and yes, I've been watching Fay for you, too, and hoping she treats you well.

    Your school craziness brought me to a chuckle again. Soon, dear....soon things will settle down and everyone will be where they belong :0) Glad to hear that you have a waiting list for your elective class, too! *wink* That HAS to be a good feeling knowing that kids wants to be in YOUR class!!!

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