
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Feeling Virtuous

I finally sat down last night and chained through the last few blocks on Dad's Plaids. They were pinned and sitting there next to the machine, ready for the last seam to turn them into finished blocks. The last few batches aren't pressed yet, but I started counting and pinning them together into 12 groups of 12 blocks. When I got the last batch, I was 3 blocks short! So I had to go back to the box of bits and pieces and pull out parts for the last few blocks. While I was at it, I made flying geese out of the extra triangle bits and got those ready for leaders and enders. I'm thinking of using those for a border, but we'll wait to see on that one. Fortunately I got that finished up by about 10:30 because I wanted to turn in early before this mornings run.
It's getting hot earlier and earlier around here, and I had to set the alarm for 5:30 to try to be back before things got brutal. I haven't been getting up that early recently, so I did the waking up to check the clock every hour thing that I always do when I'm worried about oversleeping. Still, I was out the door and pounding the pavement by 5:45, and I even had breakfast first.
I've been reading the Galloway book that talks about the benefits of running with regular walk breaks and wanted to give it a try again. I was running with Tom this morning and he was willing to try it with me. There is a fork in the road at about 2.5 miles where I was going to decide which loop to take, the short one for 6 miles, the medium loops for 7 or 8, or the long 10 mile loop. I was feeling so good with all the walking that we did the 10 miler and I finished with a smile on my face! Despite all the walk breaks, I was still within 5 minutes of what I usually would have run for that distance. I sat down this morning and worked the numbers to see if a marathon is still feasible for Thanksgiving. This program spreads out the long runs on alternating weekends and calls for a 26 mile training run. It was close, but I would still be able to get up to 24 if I kept going from where I am now. Now all I have to do is talk someone else into running with me. I'm not entirely sure it's what I'll do. My back up plan would be to do the half, but try to improve my time and break the 2 hour mark that I found so elusive last year.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on not putting this off and letting it languish!! I think it will be a great quilt.


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