
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Little Hurricane that Wasn't

These are the palm trees in our front yard. Notice how the trunks remain vertical, the fronds swaying gently in the breeze. I'm sitting here watching the weather channel tell me how hard the "hurricane" is hitting us, and I just can't imagine who they are talking to. It's raining a little bit and occasionally there is a gust of wind. That's it. They seem to be rooting for it to get worse, and maybe it will, but right now it is just no big deal. They've just canceled school for tomorrow. On the bright side of things, the Dad's Plaids top is almost put together and I have a bunch of flying geese units done for the border. I guess I don't need to work on that backup plan of hand quilting if the power goes out. If we get a big burst of storm I'll rush out and get a picture, but please don't hold your breath, it probably won't happen.


  1. sounds like kindergarden may be safe....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  4. It is really important to stay safe after all.


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