
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Slowly Coming Together

Weekends are a wonderful gift. Friday I spent entertaining the kids while Dad went out to play. This morning he paid me back by taking all of the kids to ice skating and letting me sleep in. I usually do a long run on Saturday, but we're doing Sunday this weekend, so I got two entire extra hours of sleep! Glorious. I puttered around while everyone was gone, alternating between cleaning up the house and putting together some quilt blocks. I am starting to figure out the whole diagonal setting thing on Old Hurricane Road. It is coming together bit by bit. The entire upper corner is together and pressed, and all of the middle rows done, but not on the quilt yet. I've just started to turn the bottom corner, but I think it will come together a lot faster than the top, now that I have an idea of how it works. I still keep looking back at the layout diagram, thanks to Bonnie for doing all that work. As I'm sewing away, I still keep pondering a smaller version in spring colors.
This afternoon we had birthday parties at 12 and 2 so we did the divide and conquer. I was drafted for the ice skating party (more skating!) and Kurt volunteered for the water slide party in the neighborhood so that he could watch the Iowa game on TV. Nobody was horribly hungry for dinner after all of that birthday cake and pizza, so we had a simple meal followed by baths and bed. Everyone is fast asleep now (including my husband) so I can finish putting my top together with no guilt. I won't stay up too late though, we're doing our long run in the morning over the causeway again so that we can do some hill work. I think 11 is the lucky number, but I'd better check the schedule so that I am sure.


  1. Don't you wish you could have gone to the Birkie with Amy? LOL My legs started cramping just reading about her day.
    OHR is looking good.

  2. Yeah you...."Non-Mommy" time is so nice to have :0) That OHR sure IS coming along nicely......"patience is a virtue"...PSHT! Such an annoying saying! :0)

    Have a good run tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you as I allow my legs to recuperate!

  3. The quilt looks positively huge in your photograph! I really do like the pattern though. Hope your run goes okay - Christopher is just leaving for his Sunday run, it's about 8 miles along country footpaths - plenty of hills in this one I think.

  4. I've added you to my blog list so I can keep watch on your quilt. I love the setting.


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