
Monday, December 8, 2008

Oh So Close

I just connected the last binding on quilt number 40. All that remains is hand stitching on the last 4 quilts and possibly some more labels. I have a sad and pitiful version I drew with a sharpie marker that is on the quilts made by the girls. I tried to whip up a quick label with clipart and microsoft word, but I am missing an eye for graphic design that allows me to come up with something I am happy with. I'm hoping my friend Meisje will bail me out, she is much better at it than me.
I've managed to muddle through two and a half days as a single parent with no major mishaps. I thought I was in trouble when the school bus didn't come this morning, but a kind neighbor gave all of the kids a lift to school so I wasn't late to work. I stayed late at school to catch up on grading but still made it home in time to meet the bus this afternoon. Sydney had a field trip to the grocery store today and said it was, "the best day ever!". Anna finished her science fair project this afternoon and is quite proud of how adorable her board is. Ryan spent the evening making pulleys out of things he found in the toyroom and then we had lunchables for dinner.
Oh, I almost forgot the most exciting news of the day. The school librarian hooked me up with books 2, 3 and 4 in the Twilight series! Both copies of 1 were checked out, but she's going to save me one when they get turned back in. Guess what I'll be doing over Christmas break? This is the last full week of class before exams so we are winding down quickly.


  1. I read book 1 already and am now on the 2nd one!! I started before Amy did but I can't seem to find time to read.

  2. You're nearly there with the quilts. Is it this Saturday that they are going to be delivered? You've done so well. When my boys were small Christopher used to go to South America on business trips, only two two-week trips a year, but it used to be hard work, especially the weekends.

  3. HA! Books 2, 3, and 4, huh? *wink*
    I only hope you enjoyed them as much as I did.


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