
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Another Week Gone

I don't know if it's the economy, or job uncertainty or just general anxiety, but everyone seems grumpy. Friday was an inservice day, and several of the faculty forums turned into general gripe sessions. Work hasn't been my happiest place lately, so it's easy for me to fall in with the crowd. I've even been too discouraged to quilt! I always try to be a glass half empty-try to make the best of it sort of person, but I'm just feeling tired I guess. I stayed at work late on Friday to get everything finished up for the end of the quarter, so I felt good about taking some time to dive back into something quilty this weekend.

I had decided a while ago to put some more words in the borders of my inauguration quilt. I was virtuous though and finished of my January and February UFOs before hopping back in again. I've got some mile a minute blocks I'm going to try out for the cornerstones, and then maybe a skinny yellow border to wrap it all up. I don't want to make it much bigger, it's about the right size for the foyer spot right now. Kurt is a little concerned about making a big political statement so close to the entryway, but I'm going to do it anyway.


  1. Oh dear---sorry to hear work has been pooh-pooh for you lately. At the same time, I'm also glad that you have been able to polish off TWO UFO's for Janauary and February. I do like the additions of the word-borders on the Inaugural quilt----I'm excited to see that one finished off too.

  2. Make that statement! change is good, ride strong through it. I am looking forward to seeing this one up.

  3. I hate to say that we Blue Team teachers have been waiting for the next faculty meeting to gripe about something getting on our nerves. Specifically, the janitors close our sixth grade bathrooms at the beginning of 5th period! We have to take our kids to the 7th grade hall to go to the bathroom. All so that they can "get ahead" and go home earlier. So I guess I am one of the complainers, LOL.

  4. the quilt is wonderful - it's positive and inspirational, not political. mostly.


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