
Saturday, March 7, 2009

More of the Same

Sydney had a field trip Friday to a petting zoo about 45 minutes away. She was so excited and walked around for days talking about all the things she was going to do on her "best day ever".
She rode a pony and held a chick and a duckling, and is apparently quite adept at milking a cow now. Not bad for one day.

Every time the weekend rolls around, I think about what a nice break I have to look forward too after a busy week at work. It never seems to work out that way. Yesterday Kurt's parents got into town for a quick overnight on the way to a cruise. This morning, he took Anna to ice skating while I dropped off the cookie paperwork and took Sydney and Ryan to a beach clean-up. Then he went to drop them off at their boat while I supervised assorted playdates. Tonight Anna is having a friend sleepover and we've just gotten back from taking them all to see the school play. I did have time though, to finish the handstitching on Happy Chains, and to pull out my March UFO.

It's fun to pull out something that has been sitting for a while. It all looks so happy and neat sitting in it's little project box. Stacks of finished blocks, and pre-cut pieces sit there, just waiting to be turned into a finished quilt. Trying to remember exactly what you had planned before it all got put on the back burner is always a fun trick. Sometimes the thought process is obvious, but often it just makes you wonder exactly what it was you were thinking way back then. More often than not, you get a glimmer of why it all got stored away for a rainy day.
This one is called Buttons and Bowties. I started with some circles that I pieced to try out a technique I had seen a couple of times on Simply Quilts. I was having so much fun I decided to build a quilt around those blocks. Not just wanting circles, I combined it with a combination of two sizes of bowtie blocks. The bowties are all dimensional, even though I used two different techniques . The big ones use a nifty folding technique that I also saw on simply quilts ages ago. Not that I can find those directions anymore. I'm not sure how I'll do the quilting without sewing through all the 3-D effects, but I'm sure I'll think of something. I followed a link a couple o days ago for a one seem 3-D flying geese block. Maybe I should make a border of those to fit the theme.


  1. Wow you are busy. I also look forward to the break of the weekend and end up running myself ragged. I love the circles. Which technique are you using?

  2. I love the quilt. It will be very pretty. I know what you mean about the weekends. Where do they go? I got super stressed at work today thinking of all the SAT 10 skills that we have to cover in the next two weeks, as well as cover all the items on our course of study, as well as do quarter testing. Not to mention that I am out tomorrow to take Joy to the doc for her ankle injury. Stress!!!!


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