
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April Finish

I just finished up the binding on the Welcome quilt. It still wants a label but is proudly hanging in the front foyer. Nancy Hasn't posted a UFO yet for May, so I'll have to assess and think about what is next. I still need to put the words into the Starlight quilt and I have some more happy blocks to make for a sample quilt for the Girl Scout meeting. I've still got the Double Delight out waiting patiently for borders. Hmm, that sounds like enough to keep my busy for a month without a new UFO to add.
Sydney wanted this quilt to be hers. She says it's OK if I make her another as long as it has a curved edge with different colors. She would also like some of the purple sparkly fabric that was in the doll quilt I made this weekend and maybe some flowers like the ones in the corners, but with purple. I guess it is good that she knows what she wants.

I won the giveaway that Amanda was having for her 200th post!! Make sure you go visit. It is so fun to win something. I don't even know what I've won but I'm still happy thinking of little goodies in the mail. Thanks so much Amanda, not only for having a giveaway, but also for having a blog and leaving such nice comments for us all.


  1. Your Welcome quilt is beautiful! I love the colors and it just looks so happy! Great job!

  2. Doesn't that Welcome quilt look terrific, you've done a brilliant job on the scallops and the curved binding. I'm so glad you won - the goodies will be in the post at the weekend.

  3. Now that is a gorgeous quilt...what a welcoming quilt that will be for your home!

  4. Your welcome quilt is so beautiful!
    Love the pineapple blocks and the colours you chose.

  5. What a beautiful quilt to welcome visitors into your home!

  6. OMGOODNESS! I followed one of you "You might also like" links... and came to this GORGEOUS quilt. 2009... where on EARTH was I that I missed this beauty!?!??! {{I think that was the first year of varsity volleyball, and my internet time was extremely limited}}

    This. Is. GORGEOUS!


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