
Monday, April 6, 2009

Pineapple Blocks Done

I just finished off the pineapple blocks. It helps that I decided to make it 5 x 6 rather than the 6 x 7 I had planned. I've got it up on my portable design wall so I can tinker with the blocks. I can't make the little corner bits stay down for the anything. I think I need some sort of border to let the eye rest a little after all of that color. I'm thinking of trying a scalloped border just because I've never done one before. I think the curves would contrast nicely with all the angles of the blocks. Maybe a wide white strip with some sort of applique in it, what do you think? I tried last night to get some of the foundation paper out of the blocks. Are there any paper piecers out there with some helpful advice? It seems like it is going to be slow and tedious process. I don't mind slow and tedious, but the fiddling makes the blocks wonky. I don't usually mind wonky, but this is not that kind of quilt.
Spring break is going well. It is nice not to go anywhere for a change. I loved the cruise we took for fall break, but it is also nice to be able to putter around the house. I did some painting today, catching the touch up from our house painting and freshening up some baseboards and doors.


  1. a good pair of pointy tweezers makes all the difference for removing paper... remember tiny pieces can be ignored -- lots of historic quilts have paper in them and none the worse for wear! -)

  2. It is beautiful! I only have 4 more school days and then I will be on spring break. I can't wait!!

  3. What a terrific quilt that's going to be. I haven't been brave enough to try a pineapple block yet. I've not done much foundation piecing so can't help with getting the papers out, though I do agree with you that a plain border will really make the quilt sing.

  4. A red piping, a white border, and red binding?


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