
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Indecision Leads to Action

I couldn't decide on what color to make the border for Things Quilters Think, and so added several borders instead. I think the excess of color on the outside somewhat detracts from the hodge podge of pattern on the inside. I just need to put together a backing and I can begin to cross this one off the list. I've been listing to a podcast of Pride and Prejudice which is just about to finish. I have the movie recorded on the DVR, and I think I'll watch that when I am done. Maybe I can be sewing down the binding by then. After that I think I'll check and see if the number of the June UFO has been posted yet. I've been following along with the monthly UFO challenge at Patchwork Penguin and it has done wonders for encouraging me to finish things off.


  1. Great solution with the quadruple border!

  2. The border looks great. I am happy that at least one of us is doing one UFO a month. I haven't been keeping up with that one.


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