
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Noah, Send the Ark!

It's been raining hard all week and we seem to have reached saturation level. We really did need the rain, but golly, I think we could call it good enough already. Monsoon season marks the end of wildfire season and we have several months before hurricane season, so all is well.
I've been very productive at school recently, which seems to leave me incapable of doing anything by the time I get home again. I'm steadily crossing things off the list, which is a good feeling when there are only 2 days of school left. I even figured out how sync the list on outlook. Making to-do lists is some sort of strange coping mechanism to counteract frenzied running around in circles that I sometimes get caught up in. I will sometimes even start a new to-do list with whatever the last thing was that I just finished so that I can cross something off the list and feel a sense of accomplishment. That's not weird is it?
We have another birthday party to host on Saturday. If I ever start my life from scratch again, I'll try to remember not to have all my children in May. It's like a birthday party assembly line around here. Anyway, Sydney is 6 and is having a swimming party for all the other 6 year old girls in the neighborhood. I am so hopeful that the rain will end before then, but just in case I'm going to start googling indoor party games. I seem to have enough energy left to google, so I guess I'm not totally spent yet.


  1. if its still raining have a shower party -- skip the pool have them run around the neighborhood in their bathingsuits doing a scavenger hunt.. :-)

  2. We've had torrential rain here too all this week; at least we don't need to top up the fish pond. I always used to make lists as the end of term approached too, a great sanity saver I'm sure. At least by the time you get to the next party you'll have finished school and be able to collapse properly once it's all over. Both my sons were born in December, so that was pretty hectic too, and expensive.

  3. Gee, it rains all the time here in Ireland.LOL

  4. **coming up for air**
    Hey lady! At least ONE thing IS going for me----the weather! We've had sun and 70's. We even had a new record of 91!! this week. Of course, the downfall is my classroom is uggy warm! I have one of the "outside/window" rooms, so we don't have AC ducts like the "inner/block" rooms do. Ah well....nothing like the windows open and fans blowing to make a room feel like home.

    By now, school has ended; the birthday party is well under way (or even over), made it! Summer vaca has arrived! Congrats Grad! :0) *chuckle*

    Can't wait to see what awaits you during your first week of vacation.


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