
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Slip Slidding Away

I looked at a calendar today and came to the startling realization that June is almost over. Where did it go? Obviously that made me think about getting my act in gear on my June UFO. I have been so happy to check the moldy oldies off my list, but it can be a struggle to power through some of these. I guess there is usually a reason that a project gets moved from the active list to the back burner. I've got 16 blocks done, so just 8 more and I can put the top together. I went ahead and cut out the lattice strips and corner stones, so I should be all set to get this puppy ready to layer. I'm not super happy with the way the colors are all coming together, but things usually look better when they are all put together, so I'll reserve judgment for a while longer. It's going to be a donation quilt anyway, so maybe someone else will like it better.
I've been busy around here with many exciting projects like cleaning out closets and pressure washing the driveway. How fun does that sound? Last night we got a babysitter so we could go to a retirement party for one of the guys on Kurt's team. We don't get out very often without the kids so it was nice to hang out with grown-ups for a while.


  1. Lookin' forward to see your TeaTime blocks come together! Good for YOU to keep pluggin' on the UFO's and to avoid the temptation of new projects!

  2. Time is flying by! Have fun with your project!


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