
Monday, July 20, 2009

Blocks Done

Finally finished the blocks for the Sister's Choice quilt! Mom decided that she like the green lattice after all, so I'm using the yellow as corner stones. I made it 8 blocks by 8, so that leaves room for about 6 inches of border all around.

I initially thought that I would use extra squares, but it seemed to blend in with the yellow corner stones. Then I thought about breaking the squares up into patches with some green strips.
It seemed pretty busy, so I also considered using 4.5 inch strips instead, again breaking them up with the green where the cornerstones are.
The other option is a simple solid border. I could also give up on borders completely and just make another row of blocks to make the quilt finish at 108 by 108. I'll let it simmer overnight and see how it looks in the light of day. Tonight I think I'll cut out the rest of the yellow squares and call it a night. Hopefully I'll be ready to sew the blocks together tomorrow. The kids want to go to the zoo, so maybe in the afternoon.


  1. What lovely, subtle colours you've used here. I often think I'd like to make something calm like that, but then get drawn to brighter fabrics.

  2. Lovely blocks! You did an outstanding job!

  3. WOW, this is a great quilt. your mom will be the envy of all her friends. Watch out they will want you to make them one too.

  4. My $.02...
    Mind you, you must also know that I really like green..... !!!
    I would go with solid border, same green (or similar darkness/color) as the sashing. The lighter tan (?) doesn't seem to give a final "finish".

    OR, I DO like the idea of making up more blocks and not having any final border(s) at all. (That is, IF you are up to making more blocks)

  5. Very nice!! I really love the scrappy look.


  6. Your quilt is awesome! I've been thinking about doing this one for sometimes now... maybe soon after seeing yours!


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