
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

6 Sleeps

Last night was Girl Scouts. It worked out well, 'cause it was the only night this week without an ice skating rehearsal or performance. Anna also had a chorus performance this afternoon and the kids have short days at school. It all works out well though with finals at my school. There are some advantages to teaching when you have kids in school.

Santa is coming in just 6 short days and then I'll be boring you all silly with adorably cute photos of the new puppy currently known as Phoebe. I'm pretty sure she is the one on the right. Just remember, I held out for as long as I could.


  1. hehehe
    Looking FORWARD to puppy pics!!!!

  2. So stinkin' cute! I love puppy pictures.

  3. I think the last few days of the Christmas term are always the longest, and the most hectic. Enjoy your break when it comes. Puppy pictures will be great to see.

  4. Nothing is cuter than children and puppies. I'll enjoy whatever pictures you want to share.


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