
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Girl Scout Happy Blocks

Tonight was Girl Scouts. I had them try out the happy block pattern that I am planning to organize as a charity quilting project. It has been on the back burner for a while now, but I'd like to get the kits out there to other troops so that they can work on them in their own time. The girls are doing fairly well with the sewing these days. They remember more each time about how to put the pieces together and then orient them in the machine. It is always interesting to see what the parts are that give them issues. I just kept saying, "jelly side together", "match the edges", and of course, "don't sew your fingers". With three machines and 8 girls we finished 20 blocks in an hour and 15 minutes. That should be about right for a typical troop to do in a single meeting.


  1. They look jolly pleased with themselves, it will be fun to see the quilts as they progress this year.

  2. Boy, those girls look like happy campers.


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