
Monday, January 18, 2010

Rather be Quiltng

No school today, so the kids and I were home together. I thought I would finish up the last of my quilt marathon projects, but life got in the way. Anna wanted a ride to a play date and then a parade of random children started coming in and going out. Between keeping up with all of that I managed to fold a couple of loads of laundry. I got one and half borders put on Christmas lights and pressed whirlygiggles, but that is about it on the quilting front. I was very much hoping to finish borders and backing today so that they could be hung nicely until I'm ready to quilt them. I may sneak in for a few minutes after the kids are in bed, but I should really figure out first what I'll be teaching tomorrow.
I pulled a couple of rock climbing pictures off the camera as well. They all had a lot of fun and want to go again next year. Tomorrow there is a Girls Scout leader meeting, cookies are due and we are signed up to serve snacks. Kurt will be headed off to the school board meeting where they will continue to argue over rezoning. Wednesday will bring football and that is as far ahead as my mind has wandered. Sigh, the nicer the weekend, the harder it is to go back to the work week.

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