
Friday, January 8, 2010

Sage Blossom and Spoons

Ryan talked to his teacher today and she mentioned that she heard a crazy story about how to make it snow. We have a chance of snow in the morning that has everyone talking. Snow and palm trees just don't go together. So she said that if you put a spoon under your pillow and flush one ice cube down the toilet for each family member it will snow. So before bed tonight everyone grabbed a spoon and an ice cube. We'll see if anything happens in the morning. After they were nestled all snug in their beds I pulled out Sage Blossom and got it all quilted up. I still need to do the border and the binding, but it should be ready to go for the baby shower on Sunday. I should remember to do a label this time. I'm really bad about labels.
I'm so happy for it to be Friday. With a teacher workday to start the week, it was a nice way to ease back into the school year. Next week is a full five days, but then it is Martin Luther King day, so there will be another little break. Speaking of which, I had gotten it into my head that I should work on arranging a virtual quilt marathon on the three day weekend. I had little plans for giveaways and challenges spiraling through my head. Then I logged onto Judy Laguardia's site and saw that she already has one in the works. Who else wants to sew themselves silly starting on January 16? I'm already starting to make a list and check it twice, how about you?


  1. What a fascinating idea, I've never heard that one before. Some of our children haven't been able to get back to school this term yet because of the snow. My son was able to get to work on the first two days, then the school closed and hasn't opened since, and it doesn't look as if he'll be able to get back at the beginning of next week either.

  2. Does the teacher know any ways to make it STOP snowing? lol

  3. Hey--it's Amy, but I'm too impatient to log out of my Dad's account and log into mine (DIAL UP!!!!!)

    The quilt is BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm assuming you're going to have a quilty day to finish it up?

    Regarding the quilt-along---great idea! We'll just have to see if my plans fall through for that weekend because they're still up in the air. But the quilt-along DEFINTELY beats out the current 'plan,' no questions asked!

  4. oh---and we all chuckled at the "how to make it snow" comments! Up here in Wisconsin, we are agreeing with Heather's comment! (Also--you think you can find a secret wacky recipe to get rid of COLD temps???)

    Celebrating Cmas with the family this weekend. Happy Saturday.



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