
Monday, May 31, 2010

Birthday Beaches and Borders

The kids made a birthday cake for me. It was custom designed by all three of them together. One half is a quilt, because I love to quilt, and the other is a heart, because I love my children. Very symbolic coming from the mind of a 7 year old.

Today being memorial day, the beach is a popular spot to be. The kids love to splash in the waves and dig in the sand. Living just 7 miles away, we don't feel the need to make a day out of it. They were out early and back in time for lunch.
I'm getting the borders put onto crumb cake now. Busy might be bit of an understatement for this quilt. I thought it need more contrast and so switched the cornerstones in the middle from pink to white. I think I have enough of the parrot fabric left from my last quilt which will go after a skinny orange border to contain the chaos a bit. It's just started raining, so I won't feel guilty about working on my quilt for a bit longer rather than doing something productive like yard work.


  1. I am liking this a lot. The white is a good choice for the cornerstones. Can't wait to see it with the borders on.

  2. Happy Belated Angela!!!!

    WOW---that Crumb Cake is quite the busy thang! I LOVE all the green :0)

  3. Happy Birthday! How nice that your kids put so much thought and creativity into a birthday cake for you!


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