
Monday, July 5, 2010

In a Bind

Today I was ready to be bound and tied. No, I really was just ready to sew down binding. This is my highly scientific method of figuring out whether I have enough binding made. I cut two strips for the long sides and one for the short sides and then throw in an extra just in case.

And here are the three quilts that are now ready for the hand sewing stage. Square Root is on the bottom, followed by Crumb Cake in the middle and Four Square on top. I should have plenty of hand sewing for the next few evenings.


  1. Whew---you go girl! I don't hand-sew unless I have an inkling that a quilt will be entered into a show. Otherwise---machine binding for me! I don't have enough patience!!!

  2. That's a great pile of fun right there! ENjoy!

  3. Square root is looking great!! Well done you. I am at the stage where I look at a quilt now and think, how on earth am I going to do this one, what patterns shall I use...

  4. Your method is more exacting then mine. I generally make a wild guess and end up with way too much. The quilt is looking great.


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