
Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Today is the FIRST day this summer with absolutely nothing on the schedule. No camps, no swim team, no doctors, no dentist. Nada, zip, nothing. How cool is that? Sydney wanted to sew a little and put a stack of squares together from the leaders and enders basket. I asked if she wanted to make her own quilt and she was SO excited. She has some kitty-kat fabric that she picked out during a trip to the fabric store at some point in the past, but was having trouble finding colors she liked to go with it. Now she wants us to go to the fabric store this afternoon to pick something out. It seems like I only post pictures of Sydney lately, it's not that the other two aren't adorably cute, they just don't spend as much time hanging out with me as Sydney. I did get the blocks together for Judy's mystery, though they aren't pressed yet. I'll do a little arranging and get them put together some time today I am sure. While going out to the fabric store, there are a couple of movies that all three of the kids wanted to see that had to wait for a week they were all free. This is it -- the only week of the summer without plans.


  1. yeahhhhhhhh....

    enjoy your "nothing" day filled with quilting :0)

  2. I love days like that. It is so nice to have a chillin' summer and every year I think that is how it will be. Then I fill it with going to the zoo, the park, trips, etc. When I get a day where we just stay home it is so wonderful. Enjoy your relaxing day!

  3. Have a fun week! Summer break goes by so fast. I remember how nice it was to have the girls home and no plans. It's wonderful to have a Sydney to hang with--you are blessed. :)

  4. Those are the best summer days.....nothing planned, fly by the seat of your pants!!! Sydney is adorable! So serious.
    Your mystery is awesome!!! Love your colors.

  5. Enjoy! The layout looks fabulous!

  6. Summertime unplugged! Sounds wonderful. Your mystery quilt version is very lively and fun with the bright colors.

  7. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the "X" block on the bottom right has one of the four-patches turned the wrong way. Maybe it was one of those intentional mistakes, but just in case it wasn't... would stink to get it all sewn together that way.

  8. The quilt is just wonderful. The colors are great! I want to know if the drawers in the blog post with cut strips hold all of your stash?

  9. Love the colors you choose - it's so bright!

  10. Your quilt is gorgeous and Sydney looks so cute and intent at the sewing machine.


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