
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Little Bits

My weekend has been full of little bits of this and little bits of that. Between loads of laundry this morning I got block 17 done. It is an Airplane, so I used some blue and white cloud fabric for the background. The tail is a little crooked, so I might fix that before the paper comes out. It was much simpler and more relaxing than the last block. I did fix the top of the tree this morning, so it looks a little pointier and without resorting to the green sharpie.
Sydney was my photographer this morning and wanted Lizzie to be in the shot. Lizzie wanted to share kisses. We are headed off to an ice skating recital this afternoon and then I have Girl Scout things and school work I need to do. I'm sure I'll slow down on these little blocks soon enough, but I'm working through the initial momentum before I settle down to a more reasonable pace.


  1. WOW WOW WOW I commend you and your little blocks. I printed off lots of those patterns and they are all snug as a bug in a folder waiting for attention. Maybe someday. I love watching your progress.

  2. What a cute block, I don't think I've ever seen an aeroplane block before.

  3. I leave home for a few days....and LOOK at what you do! I'll NEVER catch up at this rate!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I am impressed with your little blocks! Love the airplane - my father was a pilot and the block reminds me of him and good memories.

  5. I Love your fabric choice for this one! :)

  6. One of these days you're going to get me back into Midget Mania!! Fantastic job on your latest blocks. =)


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