
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Necessary Tedium

I teach at an Episcopal school and the reverend starts each faculty meeting with a prayer about how we are gathering in "necessary tedium". Crossing things off the organizational list isn't exciting, but I find it strangely satisfying. One tiny bit of the universe has been restored to some sort of tidiness, however fleeting it might be.
We have new carpet on order and though they installers will move all the furniture and put it back when they are done, dealing with the clutter and mess that can accumulate under beds and in closets is far beyond the scope of their job. That gives me 7 to 10 days to get it all taken care of.
Today I tackled the wrapping supplies that live under our bed. The kids enjoy wrapping presents and are not always careful to put everything back when they are done. So this morning Sydney helped me and we sorted stacked and purged. Isn't it much nicer now?
We have a birthday party to go to this morning, but maybe this afternoon I can clear out Sydney's closet. She was doing pull ups on the clothes bar last weekend and started the disassembling process early. They can lay the carpet around closet organizers, but I thought it would be nicer to pull them out and then put them back on top of the new carpet when it is down. The girls only have one unit each in thier closets, so that isn't a big deal. Our closet hast 4 different parts though, so that will be a bit of a chore. At least it is nicely organized though and has already been purged and sorted. It isn't exciting, but it is needed work and I always feel better when it is done.


  1. Purging and cleaning is such a pain, but it feels and looks so much better when it is done. Way to go on the wrapping center! :) Good luck with the closets!

  2. You will be super organized, so it is worth it all!

  3. Laughing at the pull-ups on the clothes bar. Wasn't it Anna who started my bathroom renovation by swinging on the towel rod? Good thing you and I can always (usually) see the good in our kids' deconstructions.


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