
Monday, November 15, 2010

Best Camping Weekend Ever

I really wanted to skip camping this weekend.  I've been sick all week and could have happily studied the inside of my eyelids for several days. My good friend Meisje was planning the event though, and I've been trying to help her out a little along the way.  So I went to the drug store and asked for the good stuff that they keep hidden in the back and packed up my box of tissues and my happy face.
Meisje was driving and we did an amazing job of loading up five people and two families along with the regular camping stuff like tents and food and the event stuff like craft and game supplies.  The weather was perfect, the campground was beautiful, the people were friendly and helpful.  There wasn't much that could have made it a better weekend. 
Meisje and I were sharing a site which was adjacent to our friends Sue and Ashlyn.  We all took turns cooking meals and had lots of tasty food without a lot of effort. We all have 11 year old daughters and they enjoyed spending some time together. 
Friday evening was arrival and unpacking.  The girls made team flags to mark their campsites and then went trick-or-treating for trail mix.   We then had a campfire with delicious s'mores and jiffy pop.  There were giant marshmallows that were sinfully delicious.  Sue cooked hard and soft tacos.  Food always tastes so much better when it is eaten outside next to a campfire. 
Saturday morning Ashyln cooked pancakes and bacon and then we went on a nature walk with a ranger in the morning and learned about the native vegetation.  The girls chewed on teeth tree which is used to make Novocaine and nibbled on salt pickle and sea wart. 
After that there was a presentatation on local animal life followed by games and crafts. I didn't get many pictures after that because I was helping out. 
That afternoon Sue and Ashlyn took the older girls to Ripley's Believe it or Not while Sydney and I stayed back to set up for the campfire and dinner.  Dinner was catered by a local barbeque place and was delicious!  It is so nice to camp with a group of Girl Scout leaders because everyone is always so ready to lend a hand.  Every time we turned around, someone was finishing what we had started or putting away the pieces.  The big group campfire and sing along followed, and the girls got team prizes for chips that they had earned doing good deeds. 


  1. Angela, I didn't even know you were sick! You hid it well! It was a great trip, we really enjoyed it too! I have your money from Ripley's too, will see you tomorrow night!

  2. I am glad you had an enjoyable time dispite your sickness...looks like alot of fun!

  3. you weather??? ;0)

    You did much better than what I would have---I'm a whiner when I'm not feeling well; all the power to you for your non-selfishness this weekend!

  4. What a great weekend, even though you were feeling a little under the weather. I envy you your weather; we're having a cold snap right now and I don't even want to put my nose outdoors if I can avoid it.

  5. Hi Angela,
    if I looked to your pictures, I think you all have a nice weekend. I hope your sickness will be away and you are allright. I love to go for camping too.
    Have a nice week and many greetings from germany

  6. Sorry you've been ill, but it sounds like you made the best of things and had a great time in spite of it. I really enjoyed the pictures.

  7. Sounds like it was a great time! Hope you are feeling better. :)


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