
Friday, December 17, 2010

FNSI Update

I got a late start on Friday night sew in.  Kurt was taking girls to their first actual performance of the ice skating show so I went to go hang out with Ryan.  We brought the Lego Robotics board home for the holiday and he spent most of the afternoon and evening programing and running trials.  I don't know much about the programming language he is using, but I can certainly offer advice on scientific method and problem solving strategies.  He had his robot successfully putting a cast on a broken bone before he did something to merge the program and messed it up again.  I'm sure he can get it fixed again tomorrow.  It should be a very calm home day. 
So as soon as he was off to bed I jumped back in to my Christmas BOMs from Amy.  I had all the sampler blocks made but was still in the process of finishing up the chain blocks when it got put away last time.  The first one is the bright version. 
The second one is the more muted combination of colors.  I got some fabric for the border, so now I just have to decide whether to find the energy to start webbing the top now or wait for morning.  


  1. I just love your Christmas BOM>>>>

  2. Oh Angela!!! I LOVE what you've done with the BOM blocks! Using Christmas lovely!

  3. Oh and.....pretty amazing to watch kids problem solve on their own----

    GOOD LUCK RYAN on your robotic task!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Love the Christmas block of the month and your Bonnie Hunter mystery. Can't wait to see how the one we are working on right now turns out.

  5. Wow, what a great setting and the Christmas colors are so pretty. Your son is very impressive, quite a project.

  6. Nice work! I like that samplers blocks a lot.

  7. I am so impressed with what Ryan is doing! As a former teacher, I love seeing children doing wonderful things with their minds, and this seems fabulous!


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