
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Somebody Moved the Finish Line

I've been pacing myself.  Working hard to get everything done, but mentally planning for Kurt to be home tonight to help out.  A blizzard in Frankfurt foiled those plans.  It was long and complicated day of phone calls and changed plans, but to make a long story very short, I'm hoping to have a husband again tomorrow.  Really hoping hard.  I feel as if I've just gotten to the end of the race and put in that last little burst of steam to finish strong only to be told I need to go just a bit further.  Now that I think about it, after finishing the Miami Marathon, I realized that my finishing medal was broken.  I mustered up the energy to walk all the way back to trade it in, but it was the longest and most painful walk of my life, I almost gave up and resigned myself to a broken award.  I'm feeling like that now, but without the option of calling it quits. 
OK, enough of feeling sorry for myself.  Tomorrow is Colonial Day for Anna at school and she asked if I could make her an outfit.  I really didn't want to start from scratch, so I found a clearance dress in colonial hot pink.  I sewed an apron and bonnet to go with it though, and cover up some of the pinkness.  She's going to carry her lunch to school in a basket and pack period appropriate food.  Oh, that reminds me, I need to hard boil some eggs before it gets too late. 
The good news of the day is that there wasn't a lego practice today or any ice skating.  Anna had Girl Scouts, though she forgot about it and came home on the bus anyway.  I drove her back and my friend Meisje was nice enough to bring her home after.  I think she knew I was hanging on by my fingernails.  Sydney wanted to go back to school tonight to shop in the holiday shop.  She's been frantically doing chores all week to earn money to use to buy presents for everyone in the family.  She was so proud to be able to pick out just the right gift for each person.  They were doing stories and cookies after, but we headed home again instead.  I think they are all in need of a calm right now too.  We had cookies and milk at home which was enough to make them happy again.  I've tried cookies to make me happy again, but it doesn't seem to be working. 


  1. It's been a few years ago, but I've been there where you are....ready for my back-up to come to the rescue for homework help or to just be there to help with whatever, and his trip was extended; either the job didn't get finished so he needed to stay or the weather was bad and there were no more flights going out until the next day. Somehow you just come up with the strength to keep on going. The Colonial outfit looks perfect!!

  2. Angela
    Your prince will make his way home and rescue his princess...
    in the meantime, the princess SURE seems to be going above and beyond as she always does; putting her children and others ahead of herself as she always does; being Super Mom as she always does.
    Anna's outfit is AMAZING! Much better than what I mustered up for Cass's Heritage Days outfit. Way to wear the Super Mom hat and costume. You will be the first to receive my vote!

  3. It's been many years now since I was in the position of going it alone for periods of days or weeks, but I can remember it well. Keep your chin up, he'll be home soon, and hopefully he'll bring you something nice.

  4. Oh those AIRLINES! I am at the mercy of their schedules (AND the weather) EVERY husband WORKS for one! S I G H..... I only have one kid at home now, but did 3 on his schedule in the past. Not very well either! Hang in there! Remember..this is just a WILL change. I'm loving your midgets...but not enough to start my own! rotlf

  5. Oh those AIRLINES! I am at the mercy of their schedules (AND the weather) EVERY husband WORKS for one! S I G H..... I only have one kid at home now, but did 3 on his schedule in the past. Not very well either! Hang in there! Remember..this is just a WILL change. I'm loving your midgets...but not enough to start my own! rotlf

  6. Anna makes a cute little pioneer lady. Great outfit.


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