
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Word Play Quilts

Today is the day that Tonya's book Word Play Quilts comes out. I am a big fan of her free form letters so I thought I'd do a tribute with some of the word quilts I've made. I thought about making a nifty collage, but I just don't have the energy today.  I had the book in my cart at Amazon until I read on Bonnie's blog that she will be selling it along with her new book, Scraps and Shirtails II which will be out early next year.  Anyway, here are some of my word quilts.  Just think of the possibilities. 

Of course, I still have some word quilts in progress.


  1. I love them,especially the borders on the last one! happy stitching,Amy

  2. I love the Shoot for the Moon quilt; I don't recall having seen that one before

  3. fabulous!!! Let Them Eat Cake is a hoot - I don't remember that one at all and it came out really well. those two ufos is gonna be great!

  4. Wonderful word quilts! That is something I would like to try one day.

  5. Love the word quilts... my son would love a version of the star light star bright as we sing 'Twinkle twinkle little star' to each of the kids before naps and bedtime!
    Th 4H block came out great.

  6. Great quilts! I love the border on the last one a lot!!

  7. Great quilts - thanks for sharing. I LOVE your Crumb Cake quilt! Great play on the quote, and all those wonderful scraps.

    Your WIPs are looking good too. I too like the border on the last one.

  8. What a lot of fun word quilts! I like play on words - like the crumb cake one. Great job. Enjoy your new books. Cheers! Evelyn


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