
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Out of Breath and Likely to Stay That Way

It has been a doozy of a week. When you hear that coming from me, queen of over-scheduling, you have to believe that it is true. Today was kind of the cherry on top of all of the activity
It started innocently enough, Sydney asked if she could go swimming.  Never thinking anyone else would agree, I said, sure, just have everyone else ask their moms if it is OK.  I guess it was OK, because they all started showing up with towels and swimsuits.  At one point in time a strange little boy showed up all ready for swimming, telling me his mom was fine with it.  That is when I drew the line, telling him that I would need to actually meet his mom first and have her give permission for him to swim.  He never came back after that, so maybe she didn't know after all.  The kids said they knew him and he lives around the corner, but he was a stranger to me. 
I did manage to shoo everyone out of the pool and down from the clubhouse long enough to do a little bit of power sewing.  They may not look like it yet, but these are the strip sets for some highly adorable nine patches.  I see some ironing and sub cutting in my immediate future. 
As for the rest of the week, there is big news coming up, but I'm not quite ready to share yet.  Hopefully I'll be able to tie up the last few details on Monday and spill the beans then.  I did get to check up on most of the scrap happy list while the kids were frolicking.  I am really loving my i-pad for keeping up with blogs.  I'll hope to zoom through the rest after bed time for the kids.  Kurt is due home at some point in the night and things should be calmer then.    


  1. Can't wait to see what you are designing! Wish we had your weather, the Mississippi river is frozen over in Iowa....nobody is swimming.

  2. even with all the kid stuff you had time to sew...go girl
    Can't wait to see your surprise

  3. You are a bigger woman that I am. I haven't been to my Quilt Shack for a month. Fun to have a place for the kids to enjoy.

  4. Brave woman! I can't wait to see your new project. I'm trying to decide how to play along because I'm so new to this quilting game I have no red scraps! I'm sure I'll think of something. :)

  5. Oh Angela---I sure am hoping your "beans" are good ones! Can't wait to hear....sittin' on pins-n-needles!!

  6. Whilst I was always happy for my boys to have friends over to play I always found it rather stressful and loved the 'peace and quiet' once they'd all gone.

  7. I bet the kids hat lots of fun, but it looks like you are looking after a bag full of fleas, you know what I mean?
    I bet you will astonish us with a lovely red project soon, I know you are a power-sewer!


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