
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Home Stretch

Tomorrow is the last school day before spring break!!  I don't think it has quite sunk in yet that I am going to have a week off.  The last time I was supposed to have a vacation I ended up taking a new job and missing out completely.  It is going to be nice to be able to spend a couple of days at home.  There will be time to finish off mom's chemo quilt and to get some work done for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  I'm feeling a bit guilty about not having participated in my own challenge in recent weeks. 
Tonight was the awards ceremony for Anna's science fair project.  I know we already did an award thing for her project, but that one was for the school and tonight was the district level.  She was so happy with her 4th place ribbon and is already planning project ideas for next year.
It was a big day on the family front.  My mom had her first round of chemo and it all went great!  She isn't feeling any side effects yet and is upbeat about the results.  We are all working hard at keeping a positive attitude.  Kurt's mom had a shoulder replacement surgery today.  She is still feeling numb from the nerve block they used and will stay in the hospital overnight while that wears off. 
I guess that is all.  I need to go and look over the tests that I am giving tomorrow.  We have this nifty new grade camera thing that is supposed to grade them instantaneously.  If only it could score the essay questions I would be a happy camper. 


  1. Tell your mom I am thinking of her and praying for her. I would love to send her something. Having gone through chemo myself I know how rough it can be.

  2. Congratulations to Anna for her outstanding award at the science fair. Life can be difficult when dealing with health issues, family, and work. I will be sending thoughts and prayers to your mom and mom-in-law. Enjoy your spring break!

  3. Oh! Yeah Anna!!!
    What I wouldn't give for a whole WEEK off for a Spring Break. I guess when we don't start until Sept. 1, and go until June 4, there isn't time to get in a whole week? Besides....up here in Winter Wonderland, spring break just doesn't have the same "feel" as what it must in the south :0)

    Sounds like your transition to the new school is going well. So happy you're able to sneak in a few "hellos" when you can. The CRAZY's been 3 months since Christmas; hasn't seemed all that long ago, right? Well, ..... YOU have TWO months left! Holy guacamole! NOT that we're counting down already :0)

  4. WTG Anna...job well done. Don't feel guilty about the Rainbow challenge...we all understand. Life sometimes gets in the way. Hope your mom continues to do well when taking chemo. Hugs

  5. Well done to your daughter - good luck to your Mum and Mum-in-law for good results and good recovery - and PLEASE dont worry about the challenge - family things and jobs sometimes have to come first!

  6. I'll be keeping the Moms in my prayers. So much on your plate lately. I hope you can enjoy some "me" time during spring break. Good job, Anna!! Isn't science fun?!

  7. I'm sure you're really ready for a few days off and to do some sewing to take your mind off your other concerns. Well done to Anna, isn't it great when your children are doing well, it cheers you up immensely/

  8. Oh my goodness...I think you have too many things going on in your life from "the list of most stressful events" illness on both sides of the family, new job, working full time and running a family with young children. You better rest and relax on your week off. No housework or chores...that's an order!

  9. Congratulations to Anna, I'm sure that you are proud.
    You, your mom and mother-in-law are all in my prayers. I hope that your week off from school allows you to recharge a bit. I had a period in my life when there were 3 illnesses in our family and I was starting a new job and in training for it. I was keeping up, but had a mild breakdown in class when role-playing. I was responding but couldn't respond in normal tones. I was kept after class, lol, told to take a day off to go to my DH's surgery, and that time off seemed to help. Give yourself a break and some down time with the family, or even by yourself. I know you don't need advice, you are grown and very intelligent, just wanted to relate my experience in case it might help. Isn't it so 21st century to be cared about by people you've never met.


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