
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Making a List and Checking Quilts Off

 Last night while chatting with the in-laws I was able to finish the stitching on the binding of Lilac Potpourri.  I'm so happy with the border and quilting and the way it evolved itself as it went along.  The only initial plan was to use some scraps from the green and purple jars. 
Speaking of evolution from a need to use scraps --the postage stamps are quilted and trimmed.  All that remains is attaching the binding which has already been cut.  I started with a brand new 1,200 yard spool of thread at the beginning and still needed more.  I think I'll put some stats on the label for this one.  I haven't added it all up yet, but there have to be about 4,000 pieces in this one. 
Kurt and his parents have taken the younger kids to a swim meet while Anna stayed behind to rest.  Actual performances start for Joseph today and the rehearsal yesterday was scheduled for 12 hours.  We are encouraging her to have as much quiet time as possible in between.  She says the actor playing Joseph was on American Idol the same season as Carrie Underwood.  He didn't win, but Anna thinks he is still a very good singer anyway.  We are all going to the evening performance tonight. 


  1. Wow - great quilts especially the postage stamp. Makes me want to work on my blocks. Good luck to Anna tonight!

  2. LOVE the Lilca Potpouri! The border is awesome! And woo hoo on finishing the quilting for the Postage stamp! You are getting lots done!

    Good luck to Anna for the performance!

  3. Hope tonight is a success.

    Both quilts look fabulous, amazing to think they both started with scraps

  4. Both quilts just look fantastic! You did a fabulous job :) do you know what you want to use them for? Are they staying in your house?

  5. Naturally, both quilts are lovely and amazing! :0)
    Let Anna know I'll be thinking of her tonight!!!!! "Break a leg Anna!"

  6. Love, Love, LOVE both quilt but the postage stamps is my favourite - I don't think I would stop looking at it and picking out little pictures! Hope the peformance goes well!!!

  7. Great job! Isn't it a good feeling to finish up your quilts!

    I counted my UFOs and found I had 32 of them- too many to finish by the end of 2011 at a rate of one per week.

    However, in the last 2 weeks, I am now down to just 27 UFOs! This is a momentum building event and I am so pleased to be actually finishing the quilting and binding on so many quilt tops!


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