
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Small Change in Plans

I tried out some stars and swirls in the border, but they looked too pointy I think.  Instead I am trying out these swirly shapes which are so fun and relaxing to sew.  Kurt has taken all three kids to the beach for surfing and I am still hanging out in my PJs enjoying some quiet time.  I am going to be so totally spoiled by the time school starts again.  Until then, I'm loving life. 


  1. Your swirls look great. You deserve to be spoiled! Let Kurt spoil you all summer long b/c you spoil him all year long.

  2. Oh that design is perfect! I'm going to have to start doodling it to try it!

    Enjoy your quiet time!

  3. The swirls are perfect...they look beautiful from here! ENJOY your quiet quilting time!

  4. You deserve it! Enjoy :) I can imagine what it will be like when I'm a teacher next year. Enjoy that summer!

  5. Oooooo...FUN swirls! Great finish; hope you are enjoying those recorded shows....


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