
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Chain Mail

Kurt has been looking for a new project.  It isn't something I can fathom during the first few weeks of school when I'm only looking for more hours in the day, but he wanted something to do.  I mentioned that there used to be a chain mail club at school and the physics teacher was getting rid of the stuff. 
So now the whole family is chaining away. How strange is that?
There was a quilt circle meeting last night. I've been trying to get more involved with local quilters for a while now, but the meeting have always conflicted with something. Since I won't be doing much with Girl Scouts this year, it should open up some time in the evenings. Someone demonstrated an easy arrowhead block and they worked on some Santa ornaments that are going to be given away to meals on wheels clients at Christmas. Next time they are doing something mysterious with selvages. Seems like fun.


  1. I am kind of lost for words - a chain mail club? I don't think I am game to say more. The local quilt cirlce sounds like fun - it is always nice to meet more like minded people in your local area!

  2. A good friend of mine makes chainmaille jewelry for a living. Here is a link to some of the stuff she does......... gives you some ideas of where you can go with it, instead of just stringing them along. There is bracelets for men in there somewhere too.

  3. I really like meeting with like-minded people and recently found a quilting group that suits me which meets once a month - happy days!

    Enjoy your new group too.

  4. Isn't it funny when families join together for unlikely things? Enjoy your new quilt circle :)

  5. Now this I have never heard of, but long as they are enjoying it!

  6. How bizarre! I wonder how long the enthusiasm will last? I'd like to join a quilt group, but keep not getting around to it. I'd have to drive about half an hour to any of the groups around here, and don't much fancy doing that on dark nights.

  7. My son (now 34) has been making chain mail since he was 14 - he belongs to a re-enactment group. When he was 17 and in school one of the competitions at the annual fayre was to guess how many links there were in his armour - there was one problem though, his teacher had a chain mail phobia (never heard of this before or since). I have incorporated some of his mail pieces into quilts (yes, I am ODD!). By the way my son is also a very good at sewing. He got married last year and I made him and his wife a 'goth' quilt - they love it thank goodness; it would give me the grues if it was on my bed. It had a lot of comments (the same as mine) when in our local group's exhibition in June of this year! Love your blog - you have some amazing ideas.

  8. Would you suggest Kurt gets involved in quilting, next time he looks for a project ??
    Good luck with the new school year.


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