
Saturday, August 20, 2011

ScrapHappy Saturday Once More in White

I hope everyone is looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend at home.  I know I am.  This was our first full five day week at school.  Everything is going fabulous so far, but it is still nice to have a respite from all the activity.  I added a white Happy Scrappy Block to my collection in honor of August being the white month.  My main goal today it to get the Lonely Log blocks together.  I am also just INCHES from finishing up the hand quilting on The Elm Creek Sampler, so that will definitely be high on the list.  Use the Mister Linky below to share your own progress on this ScrapHappy Day.


  1. Lovely blocks - just what I like, ordered scrappiness! LOL

  2. I really do like your Happy Scrappy blocks - they are going to make one gorgeous quilt at the end of the year!

  3. it's nice you get a lot of quilting time in, me...not so much lately. love these blocks.

  4. I love it. Great job!!

    So glad to be back in the challenge. It was a long two months away. I'll have to do some catching up with the other colors. Hugs

  5. Love the rainbow - and that white block is so calming. :)

  6. Great block! Love all the different colors in your rainbow blocks!


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