
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wading in White

I can't remember when I started these cute little loggies. Probably last summer. I have three sets of different kinds of blocks that are all sashed out in white of various sorts that I am hoping to make headway on this month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. White always seems so fresh and modern to me.  I've made three quilts from this fabric so far, and I love each one more than the last. The Elm Creek Quilt is almost done with laborious hand quilting, and the Welcome Pineapple Quilt was a spring break project from a few years ago.  I'm out of the bubble white on white that I was using and haven't got any others to substitute.  I've been trying to branch out with background fabrics lately and have stocked up on cream shirting and small scale prints instead of my old favorite WOW.  I asked DH to take a look and he thinks that all the white needs to be broken up with a dark border around each block, but I'm leaning towards a more minimal dots of color is a sea of white look.  What do you think? Minimal and modern or divided by traditional lattice strips?


  1. I would probably be tempted to make connection corners (because I love them!) on the places where the white block corners touch...I would make them in dotty fabrics just for fun!

  2. If you left it all white you could do some really cool quilting in a rainbow thread, otherwise break it up with a fabric that is white in the background with rainbow colored something on it.

  3. Minimal and Modern all the way! I love it just like it is.

  4. Perfect just the way it is. Very relaxing to look at.

  5. I like Ann Marie's suggestion of keeping it white but using coloured or variegated thread for quilting.

  6. I love the way those blocks look together!

  7. Your blocks look wonderful! I checked out the quilts that you linked to and all I can say is WOW - they both turned out gorgeous!

  8. I think I like it better with just white :) It's beautiful!

  9. Just the white. Particularly as this one is my new favorite, and I'd ask you to leave it to me in your will if you weren't younger than I am.

  10. oh how much do I LOVE these!!! I think the white is an awesome backdrop for you to do some really cool quilting! I just found your blog and reallized you are doing this very cool rainbow scrap busting and I wish like anything I'd seen it at the beginning of the year! I already have my scrappy strips sorted by color so it would have been right up my alley!


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