
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Crumb Along Geese

I've always loved the look of Amish quilts, especially those with a black background. Never having done the whole black quilt thing, I thought this month would be a good time to play a little with the concept.  What a fun way to use up all the triangle bits leftover from joining strips of binding fabric!  It doesn't take much effort to turn them into little geese.  I've got a quilt group thing to go to this morning, but I'd love to try some crumby Chinese coin blocks this afternoon.  I can already see it in my head.    Head over to Jo's Country Junction to look at all the other crumb creations, or follow the links below to see what people are cooking up for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. 


  1. These are adorable! What a great idea!

  2. Oooh I really like these. The bright jewel colours look fabulous against the black background

  3. Love them! I think you are on to something fabulous here!!

  4. What a clever idea! To practice on a colour style you've never done before... why don't I think of things like that? Your geese really stand out, like they are skimming the surface of the black, as if perhaps in flight.

  5. Now I like black and this really sets off your bright geese.

  6. I've been meaning to do an inspired Amish quilt for a long time...and black is the colour for that !

  7. The black background certainly makes the solid triangles pop, doesn't it?

  8. They look great! Fabulous way to use up all those bits and pieces.

  9. Neat concept and I look forward to what you are going do.

  10. Looking good! I really want to make some of these but timing and my machine probs preventing it! Dangit!

  11. Wow! Yours are very different! The geese really stand out. Look forward to more of your blocks.



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