
Monday, October 3, 2011

Design Wall Monday October 3, 2011

 My design wall looks like the result of short attention span quilter.  After seeing a rainbow string/crumb quilt,  I was inspired to pull out some of the rainbow blocks that have been accumulating this year.  I'll need to get everything tidied up this week for company next weekend, but I think I might have a string piecing marathon very soon.  Strings go nicely with crumbs of course and they both end up making quite a bit of mess which is not the best of ideas when the in-laws are on the way. 
I had intended to finish up the little spiky star quilt this weekend, but the trirecs ruler is hiding somewhere.  Those are hanging out with the cheddar leaders and enders and some green and white broken dishes blocks that will be part of Jamestown Landing.  It looks like a little tribute to Bonnie Hunter, doesn't it?  To see what other people are up to, pop over to Patchwork Times


  1. You have been a busy bee! Love the Jamestown landing in greens! Did you get the pattern or figuring out from other people's blogs? The black crumb blocks really pop and those stars are so cute! Can't wait to see them all land in their own quilts!

  2. Great design wall is a Rainbow wall and one is a Bonnie Hunter wall! Fun!

  3. Yowza! You are non-stop, aren't you?! I like having lots of different things to pick from to work on. Keeps it all fresh! Have a great week! :)

  4. Lots of variety! Nothing wrong with that. Keeps life interesting.

  5. I wanna come live with you. Your design wall is so perfect - just the way I like to work. Lots of visual stimulation and lots of projects on the go at the same time. I love it.

  6. Your design wall looks like so much fun!

  7. How inspiring. You can obviously go in many directions from here!


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