
Monday, November 14, 2011

Design Wall Monday November 14, 2011

I've been working on these cheddar bow-ties as leaders and enders for a while now.  The stack seemed to be getting pretty big so I thought I'd throw them up on the wall and see how far they would go.  Seems like there are enough so far for a lap sized quilt.  Maybe I'll keep going until I get enough for twin sized so that this one can go in the donation pile.  Mom called today and asked if I could get some more quilts ready for her Sunday school class to give away for Christmas.  I brought her 9 quilts last time we went up, but she says they are doing Christmas presents for 12 families this year.  They got hit by a bad tornado not long ago and there are a lot of families in need.  I'm sure there must be something else in the stack that will work. 


  1. Oh wow! One day (when I'm a grown up quilter) I want to have some tops ready to roll out - just like that! I'm so glad I found your blog, Angela; you continually inspire me.

  2. These blocks are great! It's always easier to finish a project when you have a good home in mind for it.

  3. I love bowties. They are one of my favorite traditional blocks to make.

  4. Bow tie blocks are such a simple block to make but look so good. I'm slowly building up a stock of lap sized donation quilts, mostly from this year's Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

  5. Your blocks look great. Whoever receives the finished quilt will be sure to love it!

  6. Love the blocks and love the thought of having quilts ready to give away.

  7. Oh Yay!! Your blocks look so great! And I love how they look on your orange blog background too! :cD


  8. I love looking at this quilt, so I'm glad it's still on your wall! Where's your mom live? I hope you have a GREAT week!! :)

  9. I like these bow ties with the cheddar! I have a feeling you're going to finish this one soon.

  10. What a great Bow Tie Collection you have there!

    Glad I found you from JudyL's Mr. Linky for Design Wall Monday.

    Love from Indiana, ~bonnie

  11. Beautiful bowties! That will be so loved and appreciated by it's recipient. Bless you for being so charitable (and prolific!) with your quilts. :o)


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