
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Waiting for the Weekend

It has been the longest work week EVER.   Each day this week I have woken up thinking I should just call in sick and catch up on sleep.  But something important has been going on every single day that has me headed out the door.  Fun labs, big meetings, feast days, bring your parent to school days... all good stuff.... just so much of it.  My students are all checked out for Thanksgiving already, either mentally or physically, but we are pushing on and learning for three more days before the holiday.
Handmade by Heidi

As soon as the last bell rings tomorrow though, I'm going to be out the door and headed straight for my sewing machine.  The first clue in Bonnie Hunter's Orca Bay Mystery will be up in the morning and Heidi is hosting a Friday Night Sew In.  Sounds like the perfect opportunity to unwind after a busy week. I've got two tops ready to quilt, a set of blocks on the wall and a big list in my blog margin of projects to keep me busy for quite a while.  How about you?  Any big plans for the weekend?


  1. Let's see: practice on the quilting frame and a visit to the Big Box Fabric Store on Friday; a visit to the discount fashion shop and the AGM of the local group of the Knitters' Guild of NSW on Saturday and high tea (for lunch) on Sunday! There might be some time for piecing scrappy rainbows in there as well!

    Enjoy your weekend!! Sounds like you need it!

  2. I felt exactly the same... each morning (I get up at 5am) I just wanted to stay in bed... Looking forward to ORCA BAY but being in Australia have to wait till Saturday. Hope to finish a couple of small projects and blog what I get done... Happy stitching!


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