
Saturday, December 31, 2011

ScrapHappy Houses

Though there is much cleaning and packing going on around here, I wanted to spend a few minutes sewing today.  These tiny little houses seemed to fit the bill nicely.  There is a dime on top to give you an idea of scale, though you can take a peek at the quarter in seam allowances as well to appreciate how tiny these little fellows are.  I can't decide whether I like them more or less scrappy.  So far I've made all the windows yellow because it seems cheerier that way.
I spent a good bit of time this morning doing prep work on more Midgets.  There are 10 blocks all ready to go in case of opportunities for hand work.  Lots of people seem to be making a mad dash to finish off projects before the end of the year, but I've already started in on what's next. 


  1. Oh, I love those little houses!

  2. Little is always cuter in my book!

  3. I really do like houses, and think I have a plan for a quilt next year. I've done hardly any sewing over the last few weeks and rather look forward to the last of our guests leaving on 3rd January so that I can get started again.

  4. These are adorable little cute!

  5. I have been thinking about these little houses for a couple of weeks but haven't decided if I should do them or not... They are seriously cute... I think having the yellow windows is a good idea..

  6. Lovely house blocks Angela :)
    Happy New Year! Ellyx

  7. Is there a tutorial for them somewhere? I tried just one and found it difficult just to cut out.

  8. I've been thinking I might like to do those, but I think I'd have to enlarge them to 6". Yours are adorable.

  9. I just love your little houses.
    My. Didn't realize they were so small! I see the coin now.


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