
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tiny Tuesday - Arrowhead

 This is Midget block #110 and it is called Arrowhead.  It is simple applique in 9 pieces.  The brown fabric was leftover from the backing for Roll Roll Cotton Boll and the pink was leftover from Double Delight. 
I'm still working my way slowly through the blocks I prepped for our Christmas cruise.  I'll have to get another batch ready soon, it has been so nice to be able to just pull out a page protector and stitch up a block while watching TV in the evenings. It makes me feel like I'm being productive even when I'm just relaxing. 


  1. Cute block! I have a bunch of paper pieced ones in front of me but one that is done by hand. I need to peek ahead and find some more applique blocks and prep them.

  2. Really cute! I love the pink fabric, such a nice choice.

  3. Very NICE Arrowheads in the Arrowhead block. Looks very difficult! Awesome pink fabric, But I Love pink :D

  4. Great block! Even though I can't link up, I'm happy the new color is pink.

  5. Really cute block! I love the way the pink background just shines behind the brown. I also like to stitch in the evenings while watching TV. I usually do my embroidery then because I get too focused on applique! =^..^=

  6. Now applique I can handle on a small scale; I must try paper piecing - some day!

  7. Cute Block and all applique. YUM!

  8. Great Block. I see we are going on Pink for the month. Off I go.

  9. Super block. What a great idea to do a bunch of prep ahead of time.

  10. Great block :) I keep meaning to prep a heap of Dear Jane blocks to do but never seem to get to it. But it would be good to be able to pick a block up and just go straight to sewing it :)

  11. You are being productive! Way to go!


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