
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rainbow Scrappy Saturday Tickled Pink

Happy Saturday!!  Just one more week until spring break for us, so this will be my last chance to sew for a bit.  The in-laws are coming to visit,which means cleaning up the sewing room.  Today though is the start of a lazy weekend at home.  I think Girl Scouts and a birthday party are all that we have  scheduled. 
It seems like my posts jump from Tiny Tuesday straight to Scraphappy Saturday these days with not much sewing time between.  I did get out my midgets last night though and do a little hand sewing.  Kurt was out of town, leaving me free to do as I wished, but I was wiped out and didn't feel like leaving the couch.  It is always nice when time and energy are both there at the same time.  I just wish is happened more often. 
How about y'all?  Anyone with time, energy and motivation to work on pink scraps today?  Use the linky below to share your scrappy creations and works in progress. 


  1. I was READY for the Mr. Linky this morning!!!!!!! :0) You're doing better than I am by having at least 2 posts/week. I'm lucky to get in one :0)

    Happy weekend!

  2. Today I have the time & motivation, but all my pink scraps are at home. I do have a huge pile of purple and gold scraps here at the camp, so I guess that's what I'll be working with!

  3. Wow, how fun is this!! I suppose in my neglect to read every post that comes into my reader I missed the offering of the challenge.

    I love all of the colors so far... especially the red :o)

  4. I added some pink scraps - charm squares actually - from my stash for the quick MugRugs my DD needed for her office.

  5. Happy National Quilting Day everyone!

  6. That is exactly the problem...getting the free time and the energy to happen at the same time!

  7. Hope you have some energy and inspiration today to get some sewing in.

  8. I FINALLY get to post to the link up!! WOO HOO!! Was hoping to be able to participate in each month but gosh I ended up being way busier than planned. I'm excited to finally be here though!

    I'm LOVING all the projects that everyone is sharing.

    Is there a way to add the link up to my blog posts??

  9. I did not get any pink done but I have checked most of the links out today, I hope you get some pink done this week.

  10. I haven't managed to get any pink sewing done this month, I've been so tied up with getting my first assignment project done for City and Guilds. Serves me right for designing something so complicated.

  11. I am happy that you were able to get a little work done on your midget blocks. You are such a busy person with kids, husband/home, work and all the extra curricular stuff - I am amazed you have time to breathe!

  12. Your midget blocks are so cute! Love that pink one on the right there in your picture.
    Energy and time together... now that would be great. But as you say they happen to come together rarely. Then are followed by 2 days of exhaustion from having over done it, LOL... can't win!
    My pink report is up :) pictures but few words. :)
    I hope you are enjoying your weekend!

  13. I forgot to link yesterday for the pink star I made in the pink with some fabric from my scrap basket and some from my stash!


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