
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Science Fair

Anna and Ryan both competed at the next level of science fair yesterday. Today we got notified that they had both won prizes. We are just back from celebratory ice cream following the awards ceremony.
Anna won third place in 6th grade biological for her project on the effect of UV radiation on e. coli growth. 
Ryan earned a 1st place ribbon in 5th grade environmental for his project on the effect of rising ocean temperature due to global warming on the rate of photosynthesis of elodea.
I've got a stack of school work to try to finish tonight so that I leave with out guilt for spring break.  In just a few short days I'll be on the sunny beaches of Mexico with a margarita and good book. 


  1. Lucky you!!! Enjoy - you deserve it!

    And hearty congratulations to the children for their work - great jobs!!!!

  2. Smart, fun kids and a clean laundry room? Perfect!

  3. Congratulations to Anna and Ryan for a task well done! You must be so proud.

  4. Wow! Where do they come up with all the ideas for their projects? Congrats to both of them. Mom and Dad are doing a great job raising them. Enjoy your vacation on the sunny beach. Margarita... yum!

  5. Congratulations to both Anna and Ryan! They both must be so proud of their effort. Sounds like perfect vacation planning to me!

  6. Congratulations to Anna and Ryan. As fun as it is to see them win, I'm glad we are done with Science fair for the year!

  7. Congratulations to Ryan and Anna and their very proud momma.


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