
Monday, April 30, 2012

Design Wall Monday April 30, 2012

My design wall today is the coffee table.  Though I am almost done with the alternate blocks for my scrappy Irish Chain, it doesn't look much different from the last couple of weeks.  Instead I thought I would pull out one of the ongoing projects from the Rainbow Scrap Challenge and think about how it should go together. 
I was thinking of a diagonal setting, alternating with hourglass blocks, though a straight set gives a nice chain effect. Maybe I should do nine patches of the nine patches and alternate them with simple setting squares? I am only 4 months into the year, so there is still plenty of time to ponder the possibilities. The blocks are made from 1 inch strips and finish at 2 inches so it will take quite a few of them to end cover a bed. 


  1. So tiny - I think you will need at least a zillion! I am pretty sure, as you get further along, the quilt will tell you which layout to use but...I have been seeing quilts with a diagonal layout and they look really good.

  2. I like the idea of a double nine patch!

  3. I'm with Kathy, Double Ninepatch is one of my favorite arrangements!

  4. Wow those are some tiny 9 patches!! That is going to be one wonderful quilt when you are done :)

  5. They are so sweet, cute! It would take a lot of them to make a quilt for a DOLL bed :D

  6. I like the double 9 patch idea. Sounds great.

  7. I love it! you must have tons of patience though, that is a ton of stitching. I am looking forward to seeing what you do.

  8. This looks like it will be really fun - look forward to seeing what you do!


  9. They look great..can't wait to see this one come together!


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