
Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Little Quilting

The advantage of keeping something loaded and ready on the frame is that it lets you jump in and do a little bit of quilting when there is time.  I quilted a few rows this morning before taking the girls out for lunch, shopping and a movie.  I am back now and will get  few more rows in before doing a bit of housekeeping and settling into essay grading.  Summer isn't far off when I can quilt with no guilt.  Until then I will tide myself over with a row at a time. 


  1. If I didn't get in just a few minutes here and there, I'd never get anything done either. Hope the essay grading goes fast. Better you than me. A few years ago my job required me to edit technical papers, it was my least favorite job.

  2. Good idea! I need to get another quilt on the frame - it has been empty for a month!

  3. Love the swirls on the quilt!

  4. Love the quilt on the frame.
    I am way behind 'AGAIN' on my scrappy quilting. I had no pinks (well one solid bubble gum pink fabric) but that is all, so I didn't start my pinks - waiting, hoping to get to town and pick up something if we had some extra $$. Didn't happen. Then we went into Neutrals. I do have neutrals so no excuse - lol...other then I decided to declutter again. The room just isn't working for me, that led to making aprons out of fabrics I don't want to use in quilts, which led to family wanting aprons, and more aprons, and my room cluttered up again and I am still running to and fro looking for stuff which totally irratates me when i have supplies in three different area's of the house. So Friday, I re-arranged my room again, going through every drawer, every box, making sure everything had a place and was labeled. Still have stuff on the table with no place to put it. but I plan on clearing that off before bedtime, and getting a fresh start again Monday.

  5. My Jacob's Ladder quilt should already be on the frame - what is holding me back you ask? It is waiting for me to make that darn backing.


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