
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tiny Tuesday - Mexican Star

This is Midget Block #77.  It is officially called Rising Sun.  However, I sewed it on the airplane on the way back from our Mexican Vacation, so I am going to call it Mexican Star. It is my block, I can rename it if I want to!  This one was hand pieced, with lots and lots of inset seams.  It was trickier than it looks because of the asymmetry of the star points.  It is hard to tell by looking, but half of the points are larger than the other half.  That means that the brown background pieces have a left and a right which was a little tricky to figure out on crowded bumpy airplane.
 I finally measured and marked each of the sides as long, medium or short and then matched up the short side with the small star points, the medium side with the large star points and the long side with the outside edges.  After that, getting the background corners mitered seemed easy enough.  I was just sewing the last seams as we touched down in Miami.  I am starting to get the hang of the whole hand piecing of inset seams routine, but I started on a curved block today that might just exceed my skill level. 


  1. Great job and love the name. I had to look pretty hard to find the smaller ones.

  2. WOW! It looks fabulous and oh so tiny!

  3. oooh, I really really like this one!!!!!

  4. You're ROCKIN' girl!!! How many have you completed now?

  5. Wow! That block is very pretty and well done. I like your renaming of it as well. I didn't realize how small it was until I saw it in your hand. You really did well sewing on an airplane.
    BTW, I'm now "FOLLOWING" your blog. Will visit often, I hope.
    Take care.

  6. So so pretty and such a nice remembrance of when you sewed it. And handquilted- love it!

  7. I love your little block - fantastic that you were able to piece it on the plane!!


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